Presenting Sponsor | $10,000
Co-branded event (i.e. MILA Gala presented by…)
Co-featured in all press and media recognition, including all radio and television interviews
Opportunity to speak from stage
Listed as Presenting Sponsor in related print advertisements
20 Tickets
Table Signage
Logo prominently featured on event invitations, flyers, posters, and merchandise
Recognition by event speakers from the podium
10’ banner at event
Company recognition in press releases
Mirror Image SWAG basket
Recognition on website
Recognition on social media
Feature in MILA newsletter
Vision Sponsor | $7,500
Logo prominently featured on event invitations, flyers, posters, and merchandise
Recognition by event speakers from the podium
5’ banner at event
Company recognition in press releases
15 Tickets
Table Signage
Mirror Image SWAG basket
Recognition on website
Recognition on social media
Feature in MILA newsletter
Table Sponsor | $5,000
10 Tickets
Table Signage
Recognition on website
Recognition on social media
Logo featured at event
Mission Sponsor | $2,500
5 Tickets
Table Signage
Recognition on website
Recognition on social media
Logo featured at event
Please mail a check addressed to:
Mirror Image Leadership Academy
P.O. Box 358743
Gainesville, FL 32635-8743
Sponsoring our gala will help finance our Academies, guiding young men in self-discovery and unlocking their potential. We are grateful for your generosity, partnership, and commitment to future generations.
Make your donation easily and securely through our online donor form.